Welcome to Human Resources

Employment Opportunities



      • Human Resources Teachers

        "Being a Fairview Park City Schools teacher means feeling a sense of community, support, and encouragement to consistently grow and develop as a learner."

        Sarah Eppler, First Grade Teacher

        Click here to view open teaching positions


      Support Staff

      • Support Staff HR Quote

        "Living in Fairview Park and working in my community has given me the opportunity to see many of these kids flourish. It's an honor and an inspiration."

        Erin Anderson, Student Monitor

        Click here to see open Support Staff positions


      Substitute Support Staff

      Athletic Coaching

      • It is the policy of the Board that no staff member, or candidate for a position, in this district shall, on the basis of race, color, religion, military status, national origin, creed or ancestry, age, sex, marital status, disability, or genetic information be discriminated against, excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, recruited, employed, assigned, evaluated, provided in-service education or other terms, conditions, and privileges of employment or otherwise be subjected to, discrimination in any program or activity for which the Board is responsible or for which it receives financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Education.